Agendas & Minutes
The Council of Governments is comprised of the member municipalities Chief Executive Officials. As such, the RiverCOG is comprised of thirteen First Selectmen, one Mayor and three Town Managers.
The RiverCOG board holds public meetings on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at our Essex office.
Video recording of all meetings are available upon request from [email protected]
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
Regional Planning Committee of the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments Regional Housing Committee
2025 03-25-25 RHC Meeting Agenda
2025 02-25-25 RHC Meeting Agenda
Metropolitan Planning Organization Certification Review
03.06.25 Final Draft Certification Review Agenda
Regional Economic Development Committee
Video recording of all meetings are available upon request from [email protected]
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
2024 Legislative Agenda Adopted 12.13.23
12.20.24 LCRVCOG MPO Special Meeting Agenda
05.29.24 Special LCRVCOG MPO Agenda
Regional Planning Committee of the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments
LCRVRPC 06.24.24 REVISED agenda
LCRVRPC 04.22.24 CANCELLED agenda
Regional Housing Committee of the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments
2024 12-17-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 10-22-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 09-24-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 08-27-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 07-23-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 06-25-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 05-28-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 04-23-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
2024 03-26-24 RHC Meeting Agenda
Video recording of all meetings are available upon request from [email protected]
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
2024 Legislative Agenda Adopted 12.13.23
revised 08.23.23 Special LCRVCOG MPO Agenda
07.26.23 LCRVCOG MPO Agenda – Special Meeting (Time Change)
03.29.23 LCRVCOG MPO Special Agenda
03.22.23 meeting is CANCELLED – a special meeting will be held 03/29/2023
Regional Planning Committee of the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments
CANCELLED LCRVRPC 07.24.23 agenda
LCRVRPC 05.22.23 Revised agenda
Regional Housing Committee of the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments
2023 12-19-23 RHC Meeting Agenda
2023 11-28-23 RHC Meeting Agenda
2023 10-24-23 RHC Meeting Agenda
2023 08-22-23 RHC Meeting Agenda
2023 07-25-23 RHC Meeting Agenda
2023 06-27-23 RHC Meeting Agenda
2023 05-16-23 RHC First Meeting Agenda
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
01.13.22 LCRVCOG MPO Legislative Special Agenda
02.09.22 LCRVCOG MPO Special Agenda
11.30.22 LCRVCOG MPO Special Meeting Agenda
12.14.22 LCRVCOG MPO Legislative Meeting Agenda
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Commission
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- LCRVCOG MPO Agenda 01.22.20.pdf
- LCRVCOG MPO Agenda 02.26.20.pdf
- LCRVCOG Emergency Mtg Agenda 03.13.20.pdf
- LCRVCOG MPO Agenda 03.25.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 04.22.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Special Meeting Agenda 05.15.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 05.27.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 06.24.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 07.22.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Special Meeting Agenda 08.26.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 09.23.20
- LCRVCOG MPO Agenda 10.28.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Special Meeting Agenda 11.13.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 12.02.20
- LCRVCOG & MPO Special Legislative Meeting 12.15.20
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- RPC Agenda 01.27.20
- LCRVRPC 02.24.20 agenda
- LCRVRPC 03.23.20 agenda
- LCRVRPC 04.14.20 Special Meeting agenda
- LCRVRPC 04.27.20 Revised agenda
- LCRVRPC 05.18.20 agenda
- LCRVRPC 06.22.20 agenda
- LCRVRPC 07.27.20 agenda
- LCRVRPC 08.24.20 Agenda
- LCRVRPC 09.21.20 agenda
- LCRVRPC 10.26.20 agenda
- LCRVRPC 11.23.20 agenda
Regional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Committee
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
11.22.21 AMENDED LCRVCOG MPO Special Agenda
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Commission
LCRVRPC 03.09.21 special meeting agenda
LCRVRPC 03.31.21 special meeting agenda
LCRVRPC 06.30.21 Special Meeting Agenda
LCRVRPC 08.30.21 special meeting agenda
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Agriculture Council
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- 2018-01 RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 2018-03 RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 2018-04 RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 2018-05 RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 2018-06 LCRLT – RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 2018-07 LCRLT – RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 2018-09 LCRLT – RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 2018-11 LCRLT – RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
Gateway Commission
- GWAgenda012518.pdf
- GWAgenda022218.pdf
- GWAgenda032218.pdf
- GWAgenda042618.pdf
- GWAgenda052418.pdf
- GWAgenda062818.pdf
- GWAgenda072618.pdf
- GWAgenda082318.pdf
- GWAgenda092718.pdf
- GWAgenda102518.pdf
- GWAgenda120618.pdf
- GWAgendaPublicHearingStandards081518.pdf
- GWAnnualMinute102518D.pdf
- GWMinute010918D.pdf
- GWMinute012518F.pdf
- GWMinute022218D.pdf
- GWMinute032218D.pdf
- GWMinute042618D.pdf
- GWMinute052418.pdf
- GWMinute062818.pdf
- GWMinute072618.pdf
- GWMinute082318.pdf
- GWMinute092718F.pdf
- GWMinute102518D.pdf
- GWMinute120618D.pdf
- GWPublicHearingMinute081518.pdf
- GWspecialMtgAgenda010918.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
- 2018-07 LCRLT – RiverCOG Executive Committee Agenda.pdf
- 180418 LCRLT minutes.pdf
- 180618 LCRLT minutes.pdf
- 180718 LCRLT minutes.pdf
- 180725LCRLT Annual Meeting 7.25.18 final minutes.pdf
- 180918 LCRLT minutes.pdf
- 181113 draft meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- LCRVCOG & MPO 1.24.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 1.24.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 2.28.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 2.28.18 Approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 3.28.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 3.28.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 4.25.18 agenda-.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 4.25.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 5.23.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 6.27.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 6.27.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 7.25.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 7.25.18 minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 9.26.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 9.26.18 minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 10.24.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 10.24.18 minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 12.05.18 (2) REVISED agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 12.05.18 minutes.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- LCRVRPC 1.22.18 Agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 1.22.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 2.26.18 Agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 2.26.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 3.26.18 Agenda amended.pdf
- LCRVRPC 3.26.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 4.23.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC.4.23.18_FINALAgenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC.6.25.18 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC.6.25.18_REVISED agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC.9.24.18 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC.9.24.18 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC.11.05.18 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC.11.05.18_agenda.pdf
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- 2019-01 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-02 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-03 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-04 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-05 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-06 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda (2).pdf
- 2019-07 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-09 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda -sg.pdf
- 2019-10 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda -sg.pdf
- 2019-11 Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- EXEC COMM Minutes 10.15.19.pdf
Gateway Commission
- GWAgenda012419.pdf
- GWAgenda022819.pdf
- GWAgenda032519Rev.pdf
- GWAgenda042519.pdf
- GWAgenda052319.pdf
- GWAgenda062719.pdf
- GWAgenda072519.pdf
- GWAgenda082219.pdf
- GWAgenda092619.pdf
- GWAgenda120519.pdf
- GWMinute012419D.pdf
- GWMinute022819D.pdf
- GWMinute032819.pdf
- GWMinute042519.pdf
- GWMinute052319.pdf
- GWMinute062719.pdf
- GWMinute072519.pdf
- GWMinute082219.pdf
- GWMinute092619.pdf
- GWMinute102419.pdf
- GWMinuteAnnualMtg102419.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
- 2019-01 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-02 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-03 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-04 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-05 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-06 DRAFT LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda (2).pdf
- 2019-07 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 2019-09 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda -sg.pdf
- 2019-10 LCRLT-Exec. Comm. Meeting Agenda -sg.pdf
- 190219 meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
- 190319 final meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
- 190416 final meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
- 190514 final meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
- 190716 final meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
- 190724 final Membership meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
- 190917 final meeting minutes LCRLT.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- LCRVCOG MPO Agenda 02.27.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG MPO Agenda 06.26.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 01.23.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 03.27.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 04.24.19 – Revised.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 05.22.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 07.24.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 08.28.19 emergency meeting.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 09.25.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 10.23.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Agenda 12.11.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 01.23.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 02.27.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 03.27.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 04.24.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 05.22.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 06.26.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 07.24.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 08.28.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 09.25.19.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO Minutes 10.23.19.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- LCRVRPC 01.28.19 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 01.28.19 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 02.25.19 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 02.25.19 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 03.25.19 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 03.25.19 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 06.24.19 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 06.24.19 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 07.22.19 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 07.22.19 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 08.26.19 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 08.26.19 minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 09.23.19 Draft agenda CANCELLED.pdf
- LCRVRPC 10.28.19 agenda.pdf
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 1.10.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 2.8.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 3.13.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 4.18.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 5.16.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 6.20.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 7.11.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 7.19.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exc. Com. 9.19.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exe Com 10.17.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG Exe Com 11.27.17 agenda.pdf
Gateway Commission
- GWAgenda012617.pdf
- GWAgenda022317.pdf
- GWAgenda032317.pdf
- GWAgenda042717.pdf
- GWAgenda052517.pdf
- GWAgenda061917.pdf
- GWAgenda072717.pdf
- GWAgenda082417Rev.pdf
- GWAgenda092817A.pdf
- GWAgenda102617.pdf
- GWAgenda120717.pdf
- GWMinute022317D.pdf
- GWMinute032317D.pdf
- GWMinute042717D.pdf
- GWMinute052517F.pdf
- GWMinute062217F.pdf
- GWMinute072717F.pdf
- GWMinute082417F.pdf
- GWMinute092817F.pdf
- GWMinute102817D.pdf
- GWMinute120717D.pdf
- GWMinuteREV012617D.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- LCRVCOG MPO 5.24.17 agenda.draft.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 01.18.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 1.18.17 approved Minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 2.22.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 2.22.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 3.22.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 3.22.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 4.26.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 4.26.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 5.24.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 6.28.17 Amended agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 6.28.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 7.19.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 7.19.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 9.27.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 9.27.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 10.25.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 10.25.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 12.6.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVCOG & MPO 12.6.17 approved minutes.pdf
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- LCRVRPC 01.23.17 CANCELED.pdf
- LCRVRPC 02.27.17agenda CANCELED.pdf
- LCRVRPC 4.24.17 Agenda (2).pdf
- LCRVRPC 4.24.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 5.22.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 5.22.17 approved amended minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 6.26.17 agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 6.28.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 7.31.17 Agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 7.31.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 8.28.17AgendaRev.pdf
- LCRVRPC 9.25.17 Agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 9.25.17 amended notes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 10.23.17 Agenda.pdf
- LCRVRPC 10.23.17 approved minutes.pdf
- LCRVRPC 11.27.17 Agenda – cancelled.pdf
- LCRVRPC 12.18.17 Agenda – cancelled.pdf
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- Coming soon…
Gateway Commission
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- Coming soon…
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- Coming soon…
Gateway Commission
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- Coming soon…
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- Coming soon…
Gateway Commission
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- Coming soon…
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- Coming soon…
Gateway Commission
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- Coming soon…
Executive Committee of the Council of Governments
- Coming soon…
Gateway Commission
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Land Trust
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments & Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Coming soon…
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Planning Committee
- Coming soon…