Regional Plan of Conservation & Development
The Regional Plan of Conservation and Development (RPOCD) is a visionary land use plan intended to identify and address issues of regional concern; making recommendations for cooperative, voluntary action. The RPOCD is intended to be used by RiverCOG, the Region’s land use commissions, municipal governments, and state agencies. The primary use of the document is to inform land use decisions made by municipal commissions, and to encourage land use coordination across municipal boundaries. The priorities identified in the municipal POCDs guided the creation of the RPOCD. The RPOCD is written to address local issues from a regional perspective. Municipalities should find recommendations and goals in the RPOCD that support their own POCDs. Nevertheless, the RPOCD is non-binding on municipalities.
Plan Documents
Executive Summary (English) | (Español)
Regional Plan of Conservation and Development (Adopted Sept. 22, 2021) (Printable Version)
Appendix A: Existing Conditions Report
Appendix B: Future Land Use Data Input Maps
Appendix C: Connecticut General Statutes Relevant to Regional Plans
Appendix D: Official RiverCOG Adoption Resolution
Appendix E: Office of Policy and Managment Review Letter
Interactive Map
Amendments to the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development will be taken up every two years following the date of adoption. Requests for amendment must be submitted in writing by September 22, 2023 to be considered.
Email requests to [email protected] with the subject line “RPOCD Proposed Amendment”.