(860) 581-8554 [email protected]

Central CT Loop - ALT-FCL Study

Draft Documents & Study Materials

Keep your eye on this webpage for posted study documents and materials.

Public Meeting/Event Documents
Jun. 12 | Public Workshop #1 Presentation – June 10, 2024 (PDF, 2.8MB)
Jun. 12 | Public Workshop #1 Recording – June 10, 2024 (Video)
Dec. 9 | Middletown Pop-up Summary Memo (PDF, 1.4MB)
Dec. 9 | Middletown Pop-up Handout (PDF, 6.5MB)

Draft Study Documents
Apr. 12 | Existing Conditions Assessment Memo (PDF, 7.8MB)
Apr. 12 | Existing Conditions Assessment Memo-Appendices (PDF, 8.8MB)
Dec. 22 | Existing Conditions Map Set – DRAFT
 (PDF, 4.6MB)


Central CT Loop Study Home  |  Study Background

Central CT Loop Study Background

RiverCOG’s consultants are working with state and regional stakeholders to develop a strategic plan for connecting the planned trail network in Meriden to Middletown and to the current terminus of the Airline Trail (ALT) in Portland. The Study includes existing conditions analysis, various connector trail alignment and treatment options, environmental due diligence, and a high-level look at land use and market conditions. While the entirety of the Study Area runs from the planned Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCT) connection in Cheshire to the current terminus of the Airline Trail near Jobs Pond in Portland, the primary focus of the Central CT Loop Trail Study is the stretch between the Meriden/Middletown line and the current terminus of the ALT. As shown in the map below, nearly all of the route alternatives—along with their subsequent analysis and evaluation—are to be found within Middletown with a few others in Portland.

Click to enlarge: Central Connecticut Loop Study Focus Area (PDF, 2.5MB)

Prior to refining the trail route alternatives, the planning team is completing analysis of the “core” study area in Middletown and Portland to inform further planning and evaluation. The analysis includes:

  • Location of crashes impacting pedestrians and bicyclists
  • Identification of potential environmental challenges such as wetlands and Connecticut River flood plain
  • Traffic volume on nearby and adjacent roadways
  • Presence of other paths, trails, sidewalks, and public transit routes
  • Current land use and potential development parcels


Central CT Loop Study Schedule

Per the schedule below, the Central CT Loop Study is to run until early 2025. Public engagement work has begun in December and will run through the summer of 2024. Existing conditions analysis will be completed in winter 2023-24 and the more-refined development of trail route alternatives will occur in spring 2024. Selection of a preferred alternative will occur in fall 2024. The supplemental Implementation Strategy will highlight phasing recommendations, potential funding sources, an order-of-magnitude cost estimate, and the potential permitting required. A draft report will be available for public review at the end of 2024.

Click to view detailed schedule (PDF, 0.1MB)

Text-based Study Schedule

  • Bi-monthly Advisory/Technical Committee meetings: Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, and Dec 2024, and Feb 2025
  • Design Workshop: June 10, 2024
  • Final Information Meeting: Dec 2024
  • Stakeholder Meetings: Dec 2023 – Jan 2024
  • RiverCOG Board presentations: March, July, and Sept 2024