The Metropolitan Planning Organization for the
Lower Connecticut
River Valley
Regional Transportion Documents
- Active Transportation Microgrants
- MPO Public Participation Plan
- PPP Executive Summary (English)
- PPP Executive Summary (Español)
- Title VI Brochure (English)
- Title VI Brochure (Spanish)
- Title VI Policy and Complaint form (English)
- Title VI Policy and Complaint form (Español)
- Air Quality Conformity Determination | Feb 2024
- 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program
- UPWP Executive Summary (English)
- UPWP Executive Summary (Español)
- 2023-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
- 2021 TMA Certification Review Report
- Transportation Management Area Partnerships
- River Valley Transit
- Greater Hartford TIM Coalition
- South Central CT Mobility Management
RiverCOG is the council of governments for the seventeen Lower Connecticut River Valley Region municipalities.
As one of nine Councils of Governments (COGs) in Connecticut, RiverCOG is an extension of the region’s city and towns, governed by the chief elected and executive officers of each member municipality, and providing shared regional services under municipal direction.
Areas of RiverCOG responsibility and focus include regional transportation, land use, and emergency preparedness planning; shared municipal services (e.g. household hazardous waste disposal); conservation of land, viewsheds, and natural environments; and support of economic development, tourism, local agriculture, and other regional initiatives.
RiverCOG is also a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) responsible for programming transportation funds and is also a state designated Regional Planning Organization (RPO) responsible for land use regulation oversight and the regional plan of conservation and development.
What We Do
RiverCOG is a non-partisan forum for communication and cooperation across municipal boundaries, facilitating the identification of common issues and the pursuit of effective responses to regional challenges. RiverCOG brings together local governments, supporting shared regional services and coordinated planning. Click on “Learn More” to see more information and access financial statements.
Photo Credit: Joe Gowac, JoeGo Photos.
Member Towns:

Regional Planning
The RiverCOG region is established around one of Connecticut’s greatest resources – the lower Connecticut River. Planning for our region with the goal of retaining its character and green spaces, while building on the environmental and economic values that our region embodies is an important part of RiverCOG’s mission. This planning will be based on the policies and recommendations of a new Regional Plan of Conservation and Development and in the review of intermunicipal referrals, which will be overseen by the Regional Planning Committee (RPC).
Photo Credit: Joe Gowac, JoeGo Photos.