Metropolitan Transportation Plan
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Lower Connecticut River Valley (LCRV) region defines the region’s future transportation vision and outlines regional transportation funding priorities. The MTP also establishes goals, policies, and steps to help achieve that vision. The twenty-five-year scope of the plan gives the MTP a broad perspective of the region’s future transportation needs. Although new infrastructure is an important component of the MTP and the future regional transportation system, most future funding will be focused on projects that maintain, operate, or make better use of existing transportation facilities. These, as well as other projects which may be selected for funding in the region’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), will be chosen based upon their relation to the metropolitan transportation plan. The TIP is a detailed, multimodal list of projects that are programed to receive federal funding over a four- year period and is essentially the short-range implementation plan for the region.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)