About the Plan
The Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG) is developing a Regional Housing Plan in two parts. The first part is a region-wide housing analysis which will provide an overview of housing conditions in the region and make recommendations on how and where the regional housing supply should change.
The analysis will be data driven and consider the following:
- Housing market and sub-market geography
- Housing market demand drivers such as jobs, household formation, and income
- Housing market by tenure (ownership versus rental)
- Housing characteristics (size, type, cost, etc.)
- Regional demographics and demographic structure
- Regional employment and jobs
The Regional Housing Plan will consider the linkage between demographics, employment, and current housing supply and demand and will make recommendations for new and comprehensive approaches to meeting current and future housing needs This effort will build on the goals of the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development.
The second part of the Regional Housing Plan will consist of town-specific annexes that fulfill the Affordable Housing Plan requirements of CGS Section 8-30j for thirteen of its municipalities. CGS Section 8-30j requires municipalities to adopt an Affordable Housing Plan (AHP) by June 30, 2022 that specifies how they intend to grow affordable housing in their community. Local Affordable Housing Plans will be developed for the thirteen municipalities that have not completed their own. It is anticipated all 17 member towns will have AHPs that will address locally important issues while also aligning with larger regional goals.